Facility Use

Application for use of Redeemer Facilities
Please note: Person must be 21 years or older and present during usage. 
Info on the member in your group who is also a member of Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Please select all that apply.
Any special room setup requirements? Please use the Room Set-up Request form (online version) or Room Set-up Request form (print version).
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand the Facility Use Policy
This application is to be received by the church office at least four weeks prior to the date of use.

A refundable $100.00 security deposit is due at time of approval. Inspection by a designated church member or staff will occur within 24 hours following use. Security deposit will be returned within one week of event. See the Redeemer Facility Use Policy for more details. 

Redeemer Presbyterian Church
11412 Strickland Raod
Raleigh, NC 27613

Phone: 919-518-2370
Email: office@redeemerpca.net


Application for use of Redeemer Facilities